10 social skills children learn with Robo Wunderkind
21st Century Skills

10 social skills children learn with Robo Wunderkind

Robo Wunderkind Team

Robo Wunderkind isn’t just about learning the basics of coding and robotics. It’s also about becoming a better group worker, thinker, and cooperator.

Cooperative play, which our curriculum heavily relies on (and which we discussed in-depth in a previous blog post) supports the development of many pro-social skills. These skills might seem small at first glance, but they will be very beneficial in the children’s academic, professional, and even every-day future life.

Here are 10 important skills children can learn while playing with Robo Wunderkind.

1. Sharing

Is caring. Our lessons are structured in a way where children share the robotic kit among themselves. They have to come to terms with the fact that they are not the only ones playing.

2. Participation

Even if you’re not good at something, we support children to at least give it a try. Most of the time, practice is the decisive factor in learning something new – not predisposition.

3. Being patient

Group work is all about patience. We’re not always on the same page. But with patience and kind efforts, we can all get there.

4. Following directions

Rules might be annoying, but unless you want to raise a small anarchist, it’s always good to teach your kid that in many cases, rules are a must. Robo Wunderkind lessons are guided by sensible and purposeful rules, such as sticking to the mission and treating the robot with care, that children have to follow through.

5. Listening

We teach that others’ ideas are just as valid as our own. Before embarking on a mission, we encourage children to choose a path together. We also continuously provide feedback that they then incorporate into their further efforts.

6. Accepting differences

Different opinions and views are easy to dismiss, but that way, we never grow out of our own shoes. Building and programming Robo is a common effort. While on this mission, we ask children to consider other’s ideas and their emotions, being kind instead and considerate rather than mean.

7. Praising others

If children do well, we are sure to tell them so. We also encourage them to do this with their peers. This makes everyone feel better and encourages them to be bold and curious.

8. Resolving conflicts

Conflicts will arise. But they need to be solved with calm and discussion, not fists and screaming. We guide children through their misunderstandings until they reach a solution.

9. Respecting others

Their strengths, weaknesses, opinions, suggestions. Robo Wunderkind lessons leave plenty of time for achieving a goal together, wherein children try to complete a task in their own different ways. They are lead to respect other’s ideas and suggestions rather than dismissing them and insisting on their own ways.

10. Helping others

If others lag behind, they need a helping hand. Both parties benefit – the weaker one feels better and learns something new, while the stronger one feels empowered and their knowledge solidifies.

The goal is to shape the children in a way that allows them to grow into good citizens – ones who can cooperate, talk, discuss, see the other person’s point of view, and offer a helping hand when needed. Who knew the perfect way to start could be with a small robot?

Check out our teaching materials to see how we do it.

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