Summer Play with Robo Wunderkind
STEAM Education

Summer Play with Robo Wunderkind

Robo Wunderkind Team

This summer was sizzling in the Robo office! Not just because of the sweltering Viennese weather, but also because our devoted educators were working hard to bring our activities to the whole new level. What started as a series of workshops for local school kids, blossomed into the social initiative on promoting digital literacy in more than 30 primary schools in Austria, Hungary, Germany, Belgium and Malaysia (and we have just started!). Our robotic and human team members participated in big and small events for tech, educators, and makers; our workshops and interactive playgrounds at times got so crowded that we had to keep waiting lists and add more time slots to fit all those striving to try their hands at intuitive coding and robotics. But the biggest highlight so far was the premiere of our summer coding camp. During the 5 intense days, kids aged 6-11 had the chance to play, explore and create whatever their imagination came up with, powered by friendly technologies. And it’s not only kids who had a blast!

As we had witnessed ourselves, such activities as coding summer camps are perfect for:

  • Boosting social skills and socializing. With all the school and afternoon activities, modern kids are so busy they rarely have the time to go out and meet new friends, especially like-minded ones.
  • Polishing storytelling and self-presenting skills. Learning through play covers much more than just getting new information. To translate your idea into the real life (technical) execution, make it look presentable and then explain others what it’s all about – these are the skills that come handy even in the adulthood, so you can never over practice.
  • Fostering imagination and channeling the power of free play. These two points speak for themselves and a person is never too young or too old to try and implement it.

Check our FB events page to catch up with our upcoming events, sign up and participate to get your chance to get to know Robo!

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