Constructivism: Why learning through experience is the best
STEAM Education

Constructivism: Why learning through experience is the best

Robo Wunderkind Team

The educational theory that stresses learning through experience is the leading principle of our interactive lessons. Find out why.

Learning through experience

According to the Constructivist theory, people construct their understanding of the world by gathering experience and reflecting upon it. Everything new that we encounter is then interpreted based on the existing constructs. Therefore, in order to learn, we must constantly explore, question and evaluate.

This theory has since made its way into the classroom. Usually, it takes on the form of students being encouraged to actively explore, experiment with and reflect (talk) about what they are learning. That is precisely what is done in classes with Robo. The teachers let children explore the robotic kit and get familiar with it before they start solving tasks. Throughout the task, they are free to find their own way to complete it, and make sure they reflect on what they did and what could be done differently in the future once they’re done.

Learning by creating

Constructivism eventually gave rise to constructionism. This learning theory suggests that we construct mental models in order to understand the world around us. It stresses project-based learning and creating tangible real-life objects (like Robo!). It is connected to bothproblem-based learning and experiential learning, both of which were covered in our previous blog posts and reference heavily in our curriculum.

Constructionism is an alternative to the dry memorization of facts we are all so familiar with from school. Rather, this theory encourages experimentation, such as solving an unfamiliar problem with the available knowledge, or working with tangible objects instead of only thinking in abstract terms. This is precisely how Robo Wunderkind lessons are structured – incorporating the skills gained in previous classes to new ones, gradually building on existing experience.

Overall, Robo Wunderkind pushes (gently, don’t worry) children’s imagination further by letting them solve unfamiliar problems with modern tools. Furthermore, they are always aware of what the point of their work is – hence the story-telling side of our curriculum that is crucial to its success.

In short, Robo Wunderkind believes that education can be a fun and engaging process, and both constructivism and constructionism agree that this is the best way to go ahead. If done right, it alters the way we think for the better and lets us explore new horizons. And since this learning process works like a spiral, what the kids learn will stay with them in the form of mental constructs when they learn something new again. A true investment indeed!

Tune into our blog next week to get more information about our curriculum and what makes it so special. You can also take a look at our teaching materials here.

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